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What do the different colors of the evil eye mean?

evil eye colors
Nowadays, various kinds of evil eye beads of different colors are also used, but the most widely accepted evil eye bead color is blue. You can find the various evil eye color meanings here;




Orange Evil eye: Happiness and protection; Motivation for commitment;Increase creativity and playfulness

Dark Blue Evil eyeKarma and fate protection; Calm and relaxation; Open flow of communication

Light Blue Evil eyeGeneral protection; Broadening your perspective; Solitude and peace

Dark Green Evil eyeGarners happiness; Balance in your life; Freedom to pursue new ideas

Purple Evil eyeBoost your imagination; Re-balance your life; To remove obstacles

Brown Evil eyeProtection from the elements; Connection with nature; Orderliness and convention

Red Evil eyeBrings you courage; More enthusiasm and energy; Protection from fears and anxieties

Yellow or Gold Evil eyeProtect your health; Relief from exhaustion; Sharper mind and concentration

Pink Evil eyeProtect your friendships; Calming feeling; Content and relaxation.

White Evil eyePurity and focus; Clear clutter and obstacles; To start fresh

Light Green Evil eye; Success with your dreams; Enjoyment and contentment ; Good health

Grey Evil eyeProtect against sorrow; Openness to new situations; Reduce intensity of another color


  • The evil eye is a supernatural belief in a curse brought about by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person when one is unaware. The evil eye dates back about 5,000 years. In the 6th century BC it appeared on Chalcidian drinking vessels, known as ‘eye-cups’, as a type of apotropaic magic.

  • thats crazyyyy stanky balls tho🤭🤭🤞🤞

  • I have just read what mine means! I truly hope that I have good luck and the bracelet sticks to its word! I think I may have found what is wrong with me! Thank you to whomever for making these bracelets.

    Jeffery Rowell
  • stfu there beautiful

  • its just a color

    Badussy wet fart water

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